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Fun and engaging learning resources for a range of subjects, ages and school settings! We also have a range of teacher development, workload and CPD resources too. The resource creator is an experienced Religious Studies Teacher and Special Educational Needs, Disabilities and Inclusion Specialist. Have you got your learn on yet? REMEMBER... Get in touch to claim your resource. #GetYourLearnOn #BePrepared




Fun and engaging learning resources for a range of subjects, ages and school settings! We also have a range of teacher development, workload and CPD resources too. The resource creator is an experienced Religious Studies Teacher and Special Educational Needs, Disabilities and Inclusion Specialist. Have you got your learn on yet? REMEMBER... Get in touch to claim your resource. #GetYourLearnOn #BePrepared
BTEC L3 Business Studies: Unit 3 - Section A Learning Maps!

BTEC L3 Business Studies: Unit 3 - Section A Learning Maps!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn #AskAllRes I created this resource to be used as a hand for BTEC L3 Business Studies: Unit 3 – Personal and Business Finance, Section A Learning Revision Maps. This resource contains Learning Mats for section A. Including; A1 – Function of money, A2 – Different ways to pay, A3 – Current Accounts, A4 – Managing Personal Finance. It is designed to summarise each topic into notes, where students can create and form their own revision resources; mind-maps and flashcards etc. Easy to follow and understand notes which are in a clear and concise format, with colour. ************************************************************************************************************************ If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
@AllRoundRes BTEC L3 Business Studies UNIT 3 BUNDLE!

@AllRoundRes BTEC L3 Business Studies UNIT 3 BUNDLE!

12 Resources
Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn #AskAllRes -------------------SAVE 26%------------------- This BUNDLE contains all of @AllRoundRes BTEC Level 3 Business Studies, Unit 3 - Personal & Business Finance resources! From student friendly study guide, to self-assessment checklists, to revision learning maps and handouts (Exam practice), AND Exam command words display pack! Send us your pics, of your students completing the activities, how you have used them in lessons and what student think! We want to know their bright ideas!... @AllRoundRes ********************************************* If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
@AllRoundRes EDITABLE #RandomActOfKindness Cards!

@AllRoundRes EDITABLE #RandomActOfKindness Cards!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn #AskAllRes I created this resource to be used as part of a whole school initiative; #RandomActOfKindness. This resource is a range ‘pins’ that relate to teachers and the work they do every day, with students all over the world appreciating the lives they change. Simple #RAK can change someone’s mood for the day. This resources always students, teachers and staff say thank-you to all the work teachers do in school – allowing them to #GiveBack. This resource is full of colour! Creative and bright ideas for people to give notes to the people they appreciate most, like; “I DONUT what I would do without you!” designed to be given with a donut. Each card has a meaning and a form or treat/sweet/snack that will go with them. It’s an EDITABLE resource, so you can adapt it to your school’s needs! Please SEND @AllRoundRes of you using these #RAK cards in action, in your school! Send us pics and messages using the hashtag; #AllResRAK ************************************************************************************************************************ If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
BTEC L3 Business Studies: Unit 3 - Personal & Business Finance Student Self Assessment Checklist!

BTEC L3 Business Studies: Unit 3 - Personal & Business Finance Student Self Assessment Checklist!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn #AskAllRes I created this resource for BTEC L3 Business Studies; Unit 3 – Personal and Business Finance. It is a self-assessment checklist, where students can track their learning at the time of review. It’s suggested to use this resource in conjunction with the ‘BTEC L3 Business Studies: Unit 3 - Personal and Business Finance Independent Study/Revision Booklet!’ Resource, for students to achieve their best, in successfully revising and being prepared for their exam! This resource, is colour coded as per learning aim with the same colours as the study/revision guide, for easy use and clarification. Each learning aim; A, B, C, D, E and F, has its own section, where students can RAG rate statements that they should know for the exam and whilst revising. The RAG rate section is colour coded; red, orange and green for easy use. It’s designed to help students focus their revision and studying with what they need more practice and learning on. Also, included are questions, that students should consider when revising to help with focus and study. In addition to, @AllRoundRes Top 10 Revision Tips! This resource, would be great for an end of learning aim review, end of unit review and a general review which students can use whilst revising to make sure they know and understand the key concepts, features and principles that they need to know for the exam. It could also be given to students to use in their folder, to refer to when revising to make sure they are revising on the concepts they have rated red or orange. ************************************************************************************************************************ If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
BTEC L3 Business: Unit 3 - Learning Aim A Exam Revision Grid Sheets!

BTEC L3 Business: Unit 3 - Learning Aim A Exam Revision Grid Sheets!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn #AskAllRes I created this resource for BTEC L3 Business Studies, Unit 3 – Personal and Business Finance, specifically for Learning Aim A. It is a FULL set of revision sheets to help students revise. This resource coincides with @AllRoundRes Unit 3 Study Guide - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-l3-business-studies-unit-3-personal-and-business-finance-independent-study-booklet-editable-11697998 It takes up the format of a revision grid, with numerous question and activities to be completed for that section of the learning aim. These sheets are READY to go. Just print and hand to the students to use as a revision tool. This resource allows students to revise the WHOLE spec, of that learning aim in FULL DEATAIL. Helping students access higher grades! This revision resource covers: *A1: Function and Role of Money, *A2: Different Ways to Pay, *A3: Current Accounts *A4: Managing Personal Finance *Learning Aim A Exam Style Questions. Students will use the revision sheets to help them form their answers. Students should also use the case studies, where possible to help form and justify their answers. Answers can be suited to your specific teaching style and wording! I would suggest if possible printing in colour (to keep the colour code) and in A3, to allow for room for students to fill in their answers. ************************************************************************************************************************ If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
BTEC L3 Business: Unit 3 - Learning Aims A, B, C, D, E & F - ALL AIMS! - Exam Revision Grid Sheets!

BTEC L3 Business: Unit 3 - Learning Aims A, B, C, D, E & F - ALL AIMS! - Exam Revision Grid Sheets!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn #AskAllRes I created this resource for BTEC L3 Business Studies, Unit 3 – Personal and Business Finance is a FULL combined revision guide, containing the full set of revision grid sheets Learning Aims; A, B, C, D, E and F. It is a FULL set of revision sheets to help students revise. This resource coincides with @AllRoundRes Unit 3 Study Guide - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-l3-business-studies-unit-3-personal-and-business-finance-independent-study-booklet-editable-11697998 It takes up the format of a revision grids, with numerous questions and activities to be completed for that section of the learning aim. These sheets are READY to go. Just print and hand to the students to use as a revision tool. This resource allows students to revise the WHOLE spec, of that learning aim in FULL DEATAIL. Helping students access higher grades! This could be printed as a booklet, as this resource contains ALL Learning Aims for the UNIT 3 EXAM! - #ACEtheExam This revision resource covers: *A1: Function and Role of Money, *A2: Different Ways to Pay, *A3: Current Accounts *A4: Managing Personal Finance *B1: Features of Financial Institutions *B2: Communicating with Customers *B3: Customer Protection in relation to Personal Finance *B4: Information, Advice and Guidance *C1: Purpose of Accounting *C2: Types of Income *C3: Types of Expenditure *D1: Sources of Finance *E1: Cashflow Forecasts *E2: Break-even analysis *F1: Statement of Comprehensive Income *F2: Statement of Financial Position *F3: Measuring Profitability *F4: Measuring Liquidity *F5: Measuring Efficiency *F6: Limitations of Ratios *Learning Aims; A, B, C, D, E and F Exam Style Questions. Students will use the revision sheets to help them form their answers. Students should also use the case studies, where possible to help form and justify their answers. Answers can be suited to your specific teaching style and wording! I would suggest if possible printing in colour (to keep the colour code) and in A3, to allow for room for students to fill in their answers. *************************************************************************************** If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
Tutor Group 'Get to Know'/Transition Booklet

Tutor Group 'Get to Know'/Transition Booklet

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don’t really bother) - I do really value your feedback. This resource is designed to help you get to know students and for them to tell you more about them. It is a 4 page booklet with a title page and three activity pages. The first two pages provide opportunities for students to tell you a bit more about them, such as things they like, three words to describe them, their superpower, favourite food and colour etc. The second gives space for students to tell you things they want you to know, information and details about their family, school life, achievements and any questions they have for their form tutor that they may be to nervous to ask in front of a full class. The last page is designed to be an acrostic poem with your tutors name - ‘In 123 we are’, with the opportunity for students to fill in and decorate with a doodle border. This can be printed as a booklet with 2 pages on a page so it folds and flows as a 4 page booklet. The best way to print this is within the booklet settings of printer software/systems. It is also completely editable for you to customize to your school and needs etc. If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or sendisaunders@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help!
THIS OR THAT Activity | Icebreaker

THIS OR THAT Activity | Icebreaker

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don’t really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn This resource is designed as a back to school activity as an icebreaker for you and students to get to know one another in a fun and engaging way. It comes with 100+ ‘this or that’ options, such as pizza or pasta, night or day, cold or hot, beach or pool… the list is endless! Hours of fun options which you can use whenever needed as it can be used as a fun activity starter, plenary, on the last day of term, in an assembly… the options of use are endless too! Can be used for any aged students or teachers in any school or setting! The suggested way to use is to split the classroom into two and have students move to the side they agree with most when asked this or that. Alternatively, you could ask students to raise their hands, use mini-whiteboards or different coloured pieces of paper etc. If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or sendisaunders@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help!
BTEC L3 Business: Unit 3 - Learning Aim F Exam Revision Grid Sheets!

BTEC L3 Business: Unit 3 - Learning Aim F Exam Revision Grid Sheets!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn #AskAllRes I created this resource for BTEC L3 Business Studies, Unit 3 – Personal and Business Finance, specifically for Learning Aim F. It is a FULL set of revision sheets to help students revise. This resource coincides with @AllRoundRes Unit 3 Study Guide - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-l3-business-studies-unit-3-personal-and-business-finance-independent-study-booklet-editable-11697998 It takes up the format of a revision grid, with numerous question and activities to be completed for that section of the learning aim. These sheets are READY to go. Just print and hand to the students to use as a revision tool. This resource allows students to revise the WHOLE spec, of that learning aim in FULL DEATAIL. Helping students access higher grades! This revision resource covers: *F1: Statement of Comprehensive Income *F2: Statement of Financial Position *F3: Measuring Profitability *F4: Measuring Liquidity *F5: Measuring Efficiency *F6: Limitations of Ratios *Learning Aim F Exam Style Questions. Students will use the revision sheets to help them form their answers. Students should also use the case studies, where possible to help form and justify their answers. Answers can be suited to your specific teaching style and wording! I would suggest if possible printing in colour (to keep the colour code) and in A3, to allow for room for students to fill in their answers. ************************************************************************************************************************ If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
BTEC L3 Business Studies: Unit 3 - FCA Handout!

BTEC L3 Business Studies: Unit 3 - FCA Handout!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn #AskAllRes I created this resource to be used as a hand for BTEC L3 Business Studies: Unit 3 – Personal and Business Finance, Section B3, consumer protection in relation to personal finance; Financial Conduct Authority. It is a handout which includes everything students need to know in relation to the FCA of the spec. From role and responsibility, to function and advantages and disadvantages. It also includes a case study. This is a good resource to summary the FCA in one simple handout sheet. Clear and concise format, with simple notes for students to learn the key and relevant facts needed for this section on the FCA. Using this resource students could create their own mind-maps or flashcards, to consolidate their knowledge and understanding. ************************************************************************************************************************ If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
AQA A Level Geography: Changing Places - Knowledge Organiser of Key Terms!*

AQA A Level Geography: Changing Places - Knowledge Organiser of Key Terms!*

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don’t really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn #AskAllRes I created this resource for A Level AQA Geography (Human), but it could be used for any exam board. It is based on the topic of changing places. It is a full list of key terms for the unit… a #KnowledgeOrganiser. This allows students to effectively revise all key concepts needed for the unit. All key words, are in an organised and simple fashion, easy to follow and understand. Students can also use these as a basis for revision. Create mind-maps, cue cards and topic links! ************************************************************************************************************************ If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****


5 Resources
Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback! ************** SAVE 20% ************** ---------A MUST HAVE FOR THE EXAM!---------- This bundle contains everything you need help your students revise and prepare for the Unit 3 Exam! From an essential exam guidance sheet (FREE), to help make sure students understand and know everything they need for the exam. To a generic revision lesson, containing everything from exam technique and structure to how to answer are questions. As well as a last minute revision session, to recap essential knowledge and understanding for the exam. And of course practice questions. Also, included is 'How to get an A*?! to help students learn how to reach those top grades. All these resources are essential to helping students gain full marks in this exam ensuring they are well on their way to earning a well deserved D*! ************************************************************************************************************************ If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email thomassaunders00@gmail or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
BTEC Level 3 Business: Unit 3 - Personal & Business Finance EXAM TOPS TIPS!

BTEC Level 3 Business: Unit 3 - Personal & Business Finance EXAM TOPS TIPS!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn #AskAllRes I created this resource for BTEC Level 3 Business; Unit 3 – Personal and Business Finance. This resource is essential to helping students achieve high marks, by using @AllRoundRes Key Exam Tips. This resource is a full sheet of exam top tips, which students should aim to follow when completing the exam. The tips are simple and easy to follow and remember, helping students make sure they achieve full marks where possible. Included is two different styles, with two different colours. For best use, print in colour with two slides per page and then laminate. ************************************************************************************************************************ If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
First Lesson of the Year - Full Lesson!

First Lesson of the Year - Full Lesson!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don’t really bother) - I do really value your feedback. This resource is a full lesson for the first lesson back of the year, setting out expectations and get to know students etc. The lesson is aimed towards Religious Studies with some of its content and ideas, however can be used for any subject by simply editing and renaming the subject etc. Resource content include: Big picture of learning Lesson outcomes A bit about the teacher Dual coding images for slides information/task set Classroom expectations Why is your subject important? Setting out books A bit about the students/ice breaker Task to create their own coat of arms, reflecting their aspirations for the year (templates included) Writing task reflection Which button would you pressed and why? Fun plenary activity. If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or sendisaunders@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help!
Bundle of Exit Tickets!

Bundle of Exit Tickets!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don’t really bother) - I do really value your feedback. This resource contains 13 different exit ticket templates, to assess students learning, understanding and engagement within the lesson. Included are are a variety of task and activities which involve retrieval and recall from the lesson and wider topics/SOWs. Activities include, RAG rating, summarising in a tweet, key word blurt, key concepts explanation, dual coding, emoji rating and lots more! There are multiple tickets on a page to save paper and space. All you need to do is print them out, cut them out and they are ready for use. If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or sendisaunders@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help!
Whole Class Feedback/Marking Sheet

Whole Class Feedback/Marking Sheet

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don’t really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn This resource is a whole class feedback and marking sheet which has a variety of uses for your needs. I like to use this resources when discussing exams, essays, homework tasks and extended pieces of writing. It is designed to significantly reduce teacher workload by having feedback in one place to then be used in lessons as an opportunity to discuss the work and talk about what went well and future opportunities and development. It also provides space for you to outline good pieces of work and methods/key terms/ideas etc students used. As well as providing space to discuss any errors, misconceptions and SPaG issues. At the bottom of the sheet is space to outline any further work students need to do as an enhancement activity, whether that be to redo some questions, research or revise a topic or explore key terms etc. This sheet can be printed off and written on as you work or typed into, which means you can share on a screen with students. If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or sendisaunders@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help!
Peer Feedback Marking Slip

Peer Feedback Marking Slip

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don’t really bother) - I do really value your feedback. This resource is designed to support peer feedback in the classroom. The idea behind it is, you would write/display on the board the key things students should be looking for when taking part in peer feedback, such as key terms, structure, evaluative language, specific examples and quotes and lots more depending on your learning focus! You would then expect students to write these in the ‘What am I looking for?’ column and then as they read their peers work they would write the exact things (i.e. the exact key word, example, structure used etc) in the ‘What have I found column?’. This resource is great to enhance engagement and active learning in the classroom as students need to read their peers work in order to engage and complete the activity to provide specific examples rather than writing a generic comment in which they might not physically read the work. This also great for extended writing questions at GCSE/A Level etc. If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or sendisaunders@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help!
Lite Plenary Toolkit

Lite Plenary Toolkit

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback! As we all know, checking students knowledge is essential. However, sometimes it can be difficult to find new creative ways, that students will find fun and engaging, making sure that they can understand key parts of the lesson and what has been learnt. But, also making sure that you know what they have learnt and what you need to help them with. This resource contains a selection of plenaries for you to do with your students, to asses their learning. They can be used in variety of ways. All of the plenaries, will in some ways be fun, engaging and useful for students, all plenaries give an explanation of they should be used with students. Some activities involves the increasing use of technology, namely social media etc. Some examples of the contents include; * Roll your plenary, * Traffic Light Race, * Let's spin it... Social Media Style, * Take on the Teacher, * Emoji Emotions. * Lots more! **Please note this is a lite version and only contains some plenaries - key an eye out for the full toolkit, coming out soon, with 30+ plenaries. ** ************************************************************************************************************************ If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email thomassaunders00@gmail or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
@AllRoundRes Our BRIGHT Ideas Plenary Activity

@AllRoundRes Our BRIGHT Ideas Plenary Activity

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn #AskAllRes I created this resource to be used as a plenary activity. It’s designed to hone in on students understanding of a specific topic; reflecting on our learning, Taking the format of bright ideas and knowledge gained from students. Students should write what they have learnt, any key words and what they need to practice in the space provided, as explained on the sheet activity. This resource is bright, colourful and engaging, which should reflect students bright learning and ideas. This resource is great for a classroom display project to show off students bright and knowledgeable learning. For maximum use print in colour and print 2-per-page to save on ink! Although, its suggested to be a plenary activity it could be also be used as a starter to see what students know about a specific topic or a recap of what they learnt last lesson… The list is endless! Send us your pics, of your students completing the sheet. We want to know their bright ideas!... @AllRoundRes ************************************************************************************************************************ If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
@AllRoundRes Fidget Spinner Pleanary... SPIN IT!

@AllRoundRes Fidget Spinner Pleanary... SPIN IT!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn #AskAllRes I created this resource as a lot of students use fidget spinners, but are distracting in the classroom environment. But with this resource students have the chance to use their fidget spinners in a fun and engaging way, but is also beneficial to you as a teacher because you can assess your students learning! This resource gives you the opportunity to see how well your students have learnt; what they enjoy, what did they struggle with, what do they need to work on more. Thus, allowing you to put extra practice in next lesson. In total, there are 8 different cards with 7 activities on each, so 56 different plenaries in total. Each card has a set of instructions, explaining to students what they need to do. With a table where they can write in their responses if they wish. This is a colourful and bright resource, which I bound to grab student’s attention! I would suggest printing these cards of in colour and laminating them to get maximum use off them. To spin the plenary students can use fidget spinners, or they can use any other type of spinning device, if you prefer. Let us know what you and your students thought… Tweet us pictures, ratings, how you used them and what your students though of this resource… @AllRoundRes… Use the hashtag… #AllResPlenary ********************************************************************* If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****